Top 500 Unique Dog Names with Meaning 2025: The Power of a Name

The Power of Meaningful Dog Names 2025

Names are not only a label of identification; they are strong identities that also identify destiny and reality as well. Selection of the proper name for your puppy is a vital decision that will reflect their personality, characteristics, and bonding. Names usually carry importance, which symbolizes your dog’s characters and your feelings towards them. Try to name your dog from our wide variety of dog names with meanings in different languages from across the globe with origins, which will help you pick a meaningful name for your loyal companion.

Table of Contents

Trends in Dog Naming: A Shift Toward Dog Names with Meaning and Significance

When selecting a name for your dog, consider the following reasons why a name with meaning can be especially significant:

  • Connection: A name that reflects your dog’s personality or your feelings can increase your bonding.
  • Identity: A meaningful dog name can help define your dog’s identity and uniqueness within your family.
  • Cultural Significance: Many names have historical or cultural meanings that can add depth to your dog’s identity.
  • Memorable: A dog name with a story or meaning can be easier to remember and share with others.

Factors to Consider While Naming Your Dog | How to Match a Name to Your Dog’s Breed and Appearance

Before going through the list of names, here are some factors to keep in mind:

  • Pronunciation: Pick a name that is easy to pronounce and does not sound like common dog commands and create confusion to dogs. For example, the name Kit’ will be almost similar to the command ‘Sit’.
  • Length: Shorter names (one or two syllables) are often easier for dogs to identify.
  • Personality Match: Consider your dog’s qualities, behavior, and appearance when selecting a name.
  • Avoid Trends: While trendy names can be fun, they may not stand with the test of time.
dog names with meaning of love

Male Dog Names With Meaning 2025

Dog Names (Male) Meaning
Aarav (Sanskrit) peaceful
Ace (English) expert or skilled
Adam (Hebrew) earth or man
Aiden (Celtic) fiery or fierce
Akira (Japanese) bright or clear
Albert (German) noble or bright
Alfie (English) elf counsel
Apollo (Greek) destroyer
Archie (Scottish) genuine or bold
Argus (Greek) watchful or vigilant
Aries (Greek) ram
Arlo (English) fortified hill
Arthur (Welsh) bear or strong
Asher (Hebrew) happy or blessed
Atlas (Greek) holder of the heavens
Axel (Scandinavian) father of peace
Baron (English) young warrior
Bear (English) strong or courageous
Beau (French) handsome
Bentley (English) clearing in the bent grass
Bingo (English) lively or energetic
Bodhi (Sanskrit) enlightenment
Boris (Slavic) fighter or warrior
Bram (Dutch) raven
Bruno (German) brown or armored one
Buddy (English) friend or companion
Caelum (Latin) heavenly
Caspian (Persian) sea
Cedric (Welsh) bounty or generosity
Charlie (English) free man
Chase (English) to pursue
Chester (English) fortress or stronghold
Cody (Irish) helper or assistant
Cooper (English) barrel maker
Cyrus (Persian) throne
Dakota (Native American) friend or ally
Dallas (Scottish) meadow dwelling
Damien (Greek) to tame
Dante (Italian) enduring
David (Hebrew) beloved
Dean (English) church official
Dexter (Latin) right-handed
Digger (English) one who digs
Duke (English) leader or noble
Dylan (Welsh) son of the sea
Eddie (English) prosperous guardian
Elijah (Hebrew) my God is the Lord
Emerson (English) son of the brave
Eric (Norse) eternal ruler
Ethan (Hebrew) strong or firm
Finn (Irish) fair or white
Fletcher (English) arrow maker
Gage (English) pledge or promise
Gavin (Welsh) white hawk
George (Greek) farmer or earthworker
Gideon (Hebrew) mighty warrior
Giovanni (Italian) God is gracious
Gizmo (English) small mechanical device
Glen (Scottish) valley
Godfrey (German) peace of God
Gordon (Scottish) great hill
Grady (Irish) noble or renowned
Graham (Scottish) gray home
Grant (English) great or magnificent
Gregory (Greek) watchful or vigilant
Gus (English) great or magnificent
Hank (English) home ruler
Harry (English) home ruler
Hector (Greek) defender of the people
Henry (German) home ruler
Hercules (Greek) glory of Hera
Herman (German) army man
Hugo (German) mind or intellect
Hunter (English) one who hunts
Ivan (Slavic) God is gracious
Jace (Greek) healer
Jager (German) hunter
Jasper (Persian) treasurer
Jax (English) God has been gracious
Jed (English) beloved of God
Jensen (Scandinavian) son of Jens
Jericho (Hebrew) city of palms
Jerry (English) exalted of the Lord
Jesse (Hebrew) gift
Jethro (Hebrew) excellence
Jett (English) black mineral
Jinx (English) curse
Joel (Hebrew) God is willing
John (Hebrew) God is gracious
Johnny (Hebrew) God is gracious
Joker (English) one who jokes
Jordan (Hebrew) flowing down
Jose (Spanish) God will add
Joseph (Hebrew) God will add
Josiah (Hebrew) God supports
Jovan (Slavic) God is gracious
Jude (Hebrew) praised
Jules (French) youthful
Julius (Latin) youthful
Junior (Latin) younger
Justice (English) just or fair
Kai (Hawaiian) sea or ocean
Kane (Irish) battle or fighter
Karl (German) free man
Kayden (American) companion or friend
Kayson (American) brave or fire
Keaton (English) place of hawks
Keith (Scottish) wood or forest
Keller (German) cellar or basement
Kelly (Irish) warrior or brave
Kendrick (English) chief ruler
Kennedy (Scottish) helmeted head
Kenneth (Scottish) handsome or born of fire
Kent (English) edge or border
Kenton (English) town on the edge
Kenzo (Japanese) strong and healthy
Kerry (Irish) dark or black
Kevin (Irish) handsome or born of fire
Kieran (Irish) little dark one
King (English) monarch or ruler
Kingsley (English) king's meadow
Knox (Scottish) round hill
Kobe (Japanese) God's door
Kole (English) swarthy or coal-black
Kolton (English) coal town
Konrad (German) bold advisor
Korbin (English) raven
Kyle (Scottish) narrow channel
Kyler (English) archer or bowman
Kyrie (Greek) lord or master
Lachlan (Scottish) lake land
Landon (English) long hill
Lane (English) path or way
Larkin (English) rough or fierce
Larry (English) laurel tree
Lawrence (Latin) laurel tree
Layne (English) path or way
Lee (English) meadow or clearing
Leighton (English) meadow town
Lennox (Scottish) elm tree
Leo (Latin) lion
Leon (Greek) lion
Leonard (German) brave lion
Levi (Hebrew) joined or attached
Lewis (German) renowned warrior
Liam (Irish) strong-willed warrior
Lionel (Latin) lion-like
Lloyd (Welsh) gray or brown
Lochlan (Scottish) lake land
Logan (Scottish) little hollow
London (English) fortress by the pool
Lorenzo (Italian) laurel tree
Louis (French) renowned warrior
Lucas (Latin) bringer of light
Luke (Latin) bringer of light
Luis (Spanish) renowned warrior
Lukas (German) bringer of light
Lyle (English) island or meadow
Lyndon (English) lime tree hill
Mac (Scottish) son of
Mackenzie (Scottish) child of the wise one
Madison (English) son of Matthew
Magnus (Latin) great
Malachi (Hebrew) messenger or angel
Malcolm (Scottish) devoted to St. Columb
Manuel (Spanish) God is with us
Marc (French) warlike or dedicated to Mars
Marcel (French) young warrior
Marco (Italian) warlike or dedicated to Mars
Marcus (Latin) warlike or dedicated to Mars
Mario (Italian) bitter or wished-for child
Mark (Latin) warlike or dedicated to Mars
Markus (German) warlike or dedicated to Mars
Martin (Latin) dedicated to Mars
Mason (English) stoneworker
Matias (Spanish) gift of God
Matthew (Hebrew) gift of God
Maurice (Latin) dark-skinned or Moorish
Max (Latin) greatest
Maximilian (Latin) greatest
Maxwell (Scottish) great spring
Mayer (German) mayor or administrator
Micah (Hebrew) who is like God?
Michael (Hebrew) who is like God?
Miguel (Spanish) who is like God?
Mike (English) who is like God?
Milan (Italian) dear or beloved
Miles (Latin) soldier
Mitchell (English) who is like God?
Moises (Spanish) drawn from the water
Morgan (Welsh) great circle or bright fame
Moses (Hebrew) drawn from the water
Muhammad (Arabic) praiseworthy
Murray (Scottish) settlement by the sea
Myles (English) soldier
Nash (English) at the ash tree
Natal (Latin) birthday or Christmas
Nathan (Hebrew) gift of God
Nathaniel (Hebrew) gift of God
Neal (Irish) champion or cloud
Nelson (English) son of Neil
Nicholas (Greek) victory of the people
Nick (English) victory of the people
Nico (Italian) victory of the people
Nigel (Latin) cloud
Noah (Hebrew) rest or comfort
Noel (French) Christmas
Nolan (Irish) little champion
Norman (French) northman or Viking
Oakley (English) meadow of oak trees
Owen (Welsh) young warrior or well-born
Pablo (Spanish) small or humble
Parker (English) gamekeeper or park keeper
Pascal (French) Easter or Passover
Patrick (Irish) patrician or nobleman
Paul (Latin) small or humble
Pax (Latin) peace
Pedro (Spanish) rock or stone
Perry (English) dweller by the pear tree
Peter (Greek) rock or stone
Phil (English) lover of horses
Philip (Greek) lover of horses
Phillip (English) lover of horses
Pierce (English) rock or stone
Piers (English) rock or stone
Preston (English) priest's town
Prince (English) prince or royal
Quentin (French) born fifth
Quincy (French) estate of the fifth son
Rafael (Spanish) God heals
Ralph (English) wolf counsel
Ramon (Spanish) wise protector
Randall (English) wolf's shield
Randy (English) wolf's shield
Raphael (Hebrew) God heals
Raul (Spanish) wolf counsel
Ray (English) wise protector
Raymond (French) wise protector
Reece (Welsh) ardor or passion
Reed (English) red-haired or fox-colored
Reginald (Latin) counsel power
Reid (Scottish) red-haired or fox-colored
Reilly (Irish) valiant or courageous
Remi (French) oarsman
Rene (French) reborn or born again
Reuben (Hebrew) behold, a son
Rex (Latin) king
Reynold (English) counsel power
Rhett (English) advice or counsel
Rhys (Welsh) enthusiasm or passion
Ricardo (Spanish) powerful leader
Richard (German) powerful leader
Rick (English) powerful leader
Riley (English) valiant or courageous
Robbie (English) bright fame
Robert (German) bright fame
Roberto (Spanish) bright fame
Rocco (Italian) rest or rock
Rocky (English) rest or rock
Rodger (English) famous spear
Rodney (English) island near the clearing
Roger (English) famous spear
Roland (German) famous land
Ronald (Scottish) counsel power
Ronnie (English) counsel power
Rory (Irish) red king
Ross (Scottish) headland or promontory
Rowan (Irish) little red one
Roy (English) king
Ruben (Hebrew) behold, a son
Rudolf (German) famous wolf
Rudy (English) famous wolf
Russell (English) red-haired or fox-colored
Ryan (Irish) little king
Sabastian (Latin) from Sebastia
Salvador (Spanish) savior
Sam (English) heard by God
Samuel (Hebrew) heard by God
Santiago (Spanish) Saint James
Santo (Spanish) saint
Scott (English) from Scotland
Sean (Irish) old or wise
Sebastian (Latin) from Sebastia
Seth (Hebrew) appointed or placed
Shane (Irish) old or wise
Shawn (Irish) old or wise
Sheldon (English) valley with a steep slope
Sherman (English) shear man or shearer
Sidney (English) wide meadow
Silas (Latin) forest or woods
Simon (Hebrew) hearing or listening
Skip (English) ship captain or navigator
Solomon (Hebrew) peaceful or peaceable
Sonny (English) son
Spencer (English) steward or administrator
Stanley (English) stone clearing
Stanton (English) stone town
Stephen (Greek) crown or garland
Steve (English) crown or garland
Stewart (English) steward or administrator
Sullivan (Irish) dark-eyed one
Sylvester (Latin) forest or woods
Taylor (English) tailor
Ted (English) gift of God
Teddy (English) gift of God
Terry (English) land of plenty
Thaddeus (Aramaic) heart or courage
Thatcher (English) roof maker
Thomas (Aramaic) twin
Thornton (English) thorn tree town
Tilden (English) valiant or courageous
Tim (English) honor or respect
Timothy (Greek) honor or respect
Todd (English) fox
Tony (English) praiseworthy
Travis (English) crossroads
Trevor (Welsh) homestead or settlement
Troy (English) city of Troy
Truman (English) faithful or loyal
Tyler (English) tile maker or bricklayer
Tyrone (Irish) land of the prince
Ulysses (Latin) wrathful or hateful
Uriel (Hebrew) God is my light
Vance (English) dweller by the fen or marsh
Victor (Latin) winner or conqueror
Vincent (Latin) conquering or victorious
Vinson (English) son of Vincent
Virgil (Latin) staff or rod
Vladimir (Slavic) renowned prince or peaceful ruler
Wade (English) ford or shallow water
Wallace (Scottish) foreigner or stranger
Walter (German) ruler of the army
Warren (English) game reserve or warren
Wayne (English) wagon maker or cartwright
Wesley (English) west meadow
Wilbert (German) bright fame
Wilfred (English) desiring peace
Will (English) resolute protector
William (German) resolute protector
Willis (English) son of William
Willy (English) resolute protector
Wilton (English) town by the spring
Winston (English) wine town
Wolfgang (German) wolf journey or wolf path
Woodrow (English) row of trees or wooded hill
Wyatt (English) brave in war or courageous warrior
Xander (Greek) defender of the people
Xavier (Basque) new house or bright
Yale (English) fertile hill or fruitful hill
Yancy (English) God is gracious or God's gift
York (English) place at the confluence of rivers
Yves (French) yew tree or archer
Zachariah (Hebrew) God remembers
Zachary (Hebrew) God remembers
Zane (English) God is gracious or God's gift
Zayden (English) abundance or prosperity
Zebulon (Hebrew) exalted or honor
Zachariah (Hebrew) God remembers

Unique Female Dog Names With Meaning 2025

Dog Names (Female) Meaning
Aaliyah (Hebrew) ascended
Abby (English) father's joy
Adelaide (German) noble
Alethea (Greek) truth
Amabel (Latin) lovable
Amber (English) fossilized tree resin
Anais (French) gracious
Annie (English) gracious
Aphrodite (Greek) goddess of love
Aria (Italian) air or melody
Ariel (Hebrew) lion of God
Astrid (Norse) divine strength
Aurora (Latin) dawn
Ava (German) life
Ayla (Turkish) halo of light
Bella (Italian) beautiful
Betsy (English) God is my oath
Beverly (English) beaver meadow
Blossom (English) flower
Bonnie (Scottish) beautiful
Briar (English) thorny shrub
Brynn (Welsh) hill
Caitlin (Irish) pure
Calla (Greek) beauty
Cami (French) young ceremonial attendant
Carmen (Spanish) garden
Cecilia (Latin) blind
Celia (Latin) heavenly
Charlie (English) free man
Clementine (French) mild and merciful
Cloe (Greek) blooming
Cora (Greek) maiden
Daisy (English) day's eye
Daphne (Greek) laurel tree
Darcy (English) dark ruler
Darla (English) beloved
Davina (Scottish) beloved
Dawn (English) daybreak
Delilah (Hebrew) delicate
Diana (Latin) divine
Dixie (English) tenth
Dolly (English) gift of God
Dora (Greek) gift
Doris (Greek) sea
Dottie (English) gift of God
Drew (English) manly
Eden (Hebrew) paradise
Edie (English) prosperous in war
Eileen (Irish) shining light
Ela (Greek) shining light
Eleanor (English) shining light
Elise (French) God is my oath
Eliza (Hebrew) God is my oath
Ella (German) light
Ellie (English) shining light
Elma (German) noble
Eloise (French) healthy
Elora (Greek) shining light
Elsa (German) noble
Elva (English) elf counsel
Elvia (English) elf friend
Emmie (English) universal
Erika (Norse) eternal ruler
Erna (Norse) serious
Esme (French) beloved
Essie (English) God is my oath
Estelle (French) star
Etha (Greek) blazing
Etta (English) estate ruler
Euna (Greek) well born
Eva (Hebrew) life
Evie (English) life
Faye (English) fairy
Fern (English) fern plant
Fifi (French) darling
Flora (Latin) flower
Florence (Latin) flourishing
Flossie (English) flower
Fran (French) free man
Frances (Latin) free man
Gabby (English) God is my strength
Gaby (French) God is my strength
Gail (English) father's joy
Gemma (Italian) precious stone
Genie (French) noble
Georgina (English) farmer
Gertie (English) spear of strength
Gilda (English) covered in gold
Gina (Italian) well born
Ginger (English) spice
Gladys (Welsh) happy
Glenda (Welsh) holy valley
Gloria (Latin) glory
Gracie (English) gracious
Greta (German) pearl
Gwendolyn (Welsh) white ring
Haley (English) heroine
Hanna (Hebrew) God is gracious
Hannah (Hebrew) gracious
Harriet (English) ruler of the home
Hattie (English) home ruler
Haven (English) safe place
Hayley (English) heroine
Hazel (English) command
Heather (English) heathland
Helen (Greek) shining light
Henrietta (German) ruler of the home
Hilda (German) battle
Holly (English) holly tree
Honey (English) honey bee
Hope (English) hope
Iantha (Greek) violet flower
Ianthe (Greek) violet flower
Ibtisam (Arabic) smile
Ichika (Japanese) one hope
Ida (German) industrious
Idonia (Greek) industrious one
Iesha (English) life
Ifigenia (Greek) strong and vigorous
Ilaina (Hawaiian) beautiful
Ilaria (Italian) happy
Ilene (Greek) shining light
Ilsa (German) noble
Ilyssa (Greek) rational
Imogen (Celtic) maiden
Ina (German) pure
Indie (English) independent
Iona (Scottish) island
Ione (Greek) violet flower
Irina (Russian) peace
Iris (Greek) rainbow
Isa (German) God is my oath
Isabel (Spanish) God is my oath
Isabella (Italian) God is my oath
Isolde (Celtic) she who is alone
Ivana (Slavic) God is gracious
Ivette (French) God is gracious
Ivy (English) climbing plant
Ixchel (Mayan) lady of the moon
Izabel (Hebrew) God is my oath
Izora (English) beautiful journey
Izzy (English) God is my oath
Jacinta (Spanish) hyacinth flower
Jacquelina (French) supplanter
Jacqui (French) supplanter
Jacy (English) healer
Jade (Spanish) stone of the flank
Jael (Hebrew) ascending
Jaelle (French) ascending
Jamilyn (English) beautiful
Jana (Slavic) God is gracious
Janessa (English) God is gracious
Janet (English) God is gracious
Janina (Polish) God is gracious
Janine (French) God is gracious
Jara (Arabic) neighbor
Jasmine (Persian) gift from God
Javiera (Spanish) new house
Javonni (English) God is gracious
Jayda (Arabic) good, beautiful
Jazmin (Persian) jasmine flower
Jean (French) God is gracious
Jemima (Hebrew) dove
Jennifer (Welsh) white wave
Jeri (English) spear ruler
Jess (English) God's gift
Jessie (English) wealthy
Jewel (English) precious stone
Jill (English) downy bearded
Jilly (English) downy bearded
Jo (English) God is gracious
Joan (English) God is gracious
Joanna (Hebrew) God is gracious
Jolie (French) pretty
Josephine (French) God will add
Jourdan (English) flowing down
Journee (English) journey
Joy (English) happiness
Joyce (English) rejoice
Judy (English) praised
Julia (Latin) youthful
Julie (French) youthful
June (Latin) youthful
Juno (Latin) youthful
Kaidance (American) fire
Kalina (Slavic) beautiful flower
Kalindi (Sanskrit) beautiful river
Kallan (English) slender
Kalliope (Greek) beautiful
Kalyn (English) beautiful
Kalynda (English) beautiful river
Kamari (African) moonlight
Kamryn (English) winding stream
Kamyra (English) winding stream
Kanyon (English) deep valley
Kara (Italian) beloved
Karen (Danish) pure
Kasia (Polish) pure
Katarina (Slavic) pure
Kate (English) pure
Katherine (Greek) pure
Katie (English) pure
Kay (English) rejoice
Kayla (Yiddish) crown of God
Kelly (Irish) warrior
Kelsey (English) ship's victory
Kendra (English) royal ruler
Kestrel (English) bird of prey
Kiersten (Scandinavian) follower of Christ
Kim (English) chief
Kimberly (English) from the wood of the royal fortress
Kirsty (Scottish) follower of Christ
Kitty (English) pure
Kristen (Scandinavian) follower of Christ
Kylie (Australian) narrow channel
Kymberley (English) royal fortress
Kyra (Greek) lord
Lacey (English) lace
Lacy (English) lace
Lada (Slavic) harmony
Lael (Hebrew) play
Laela (Hebrew) play
Lahna (English) light
Lahni (English) light
Lainey (English) meadow
Laken (English) lake
Lana (Russian) light
Laney (English) light
Lani (Hawaiian) sky
Lara (Latin) protector
Larissa (Russian) cheerful
Laura (Latin) laurel tree
Lavender (English) purple flower
Lavinia (Latin) woman of Rome
Leah (Hebrew) weary
Leanne (English) calm, serene
Leila (Persian) play
Lena (Russian) light
Lenka (Slavic) light
Leonie (French) lioness
Lesley (Scottish) holly grove
Leticia (Spanish) happy
Lettie (English) happy
Liana (Italian) to climb
Lilah (Hebrew) night
Lilith (Hebrew) night
Lily (English) pure
Linda (Spanish) beautiful
Lindsey (English) linden tree island
Linnea (Scandinavian) twig
Lisa (English) God is my oath
Liv (Scandinavian) life
Liz (English) God is my oath
Lizzie (English) God is my oath
Lois (Greek) better
Lola (Spanish) strong woman
Lorelei (German) alluring temptress
Loretta (Italian) laurel tree
Lorna (Scottish) island of the yew tree
Lottie (English) free man
Lou (English) renowned warrior
Louisa (German) renowned warrior
Louise (French) renowned warrior
Lucille (French) light
Lucinda (Latin) light
Lucy (English) light
Lula (Spanish) famous warrior
Luz (Spanish) light
Lydia (Greek) beautiful one
Lyn (English) waterfall
Lynette (French) beautiful
Lynn (English) waterfall
Lyric (English) song
Lyssa (Greek) liberator
Mabel (Latin) lovable
Mabyn (English) youthful
Macey (English) gift of God
Madalyn (English) high tower
Madeline (French) high tower
Madge (English) pearl
Madisyn (English) high tower
Mae (English) bitter
Maeve (Irish) she who intoxicates
Magda (German) mighty in battle
Magdalena (Hebrew) tower
Magdalyn (Hebrew) tower
Maggie (English) pearl
Mahalia (Hebrew) tender
Mahaliah (Hebrew) tender
Maia (Greek) great
Maisie (Scottish) pearl
Maja (Sanskrit) great
Maja (Scandinavian) great
Malia (Hawaiian) calm and peaceful
Malinda (English) honey bee
Mallory (French) unlucky
Mana (Hawaiian) power
Manda (English) lovable
Mandy (English) lovable
Manuela (Spanish) God is with us
Marcela (Spanish) young warrior
Marcy (English) warlike
Maren (Scandinavian) bitter
Marenza (Scandinavian) bitter
Margaret (Greek) pearl
Margie (English) pearl
Margo (French) pearl
Margot (French) pearl
Maria (Spanish) bitter
Marian (English) bitter
Marianne (French) bitter
Marie (French) bitter
Marigold (English) golden flower
Marina (Latin) of the sea
Marion (French) bitter
Marisa (Spanish) bitter
Marissa (English) of the sea
Marjorie (English) pearl
Marla (English) remembered glory
Marlene (German) remembered glory
Marnie (English) rejoice
Marsha (English) warlike
Marta (Spanish) ladylike
Martina (Spanish) warlike
Marty (English) warlike
Marva (English) bitter
Mary (English) bitter
Maryann (English) bitter
Maryanne (English) bitter
Maryellen (English) bitter
Matilda (German) mighty in battle
Maud (English) mighty in battle
Maureen (Irish) bitter
Mavis (French) song thrush
Maxine (Latin) greatest
May (English) the fifth month
Maya (Sanskrit) illusion
Maybelle (English) lovable
Mayda (Spanish) warrior
Mayra (Latin) beloved
Meadow (English) field of grass
Meara (Irish) merry
Megan (Welsh) pearl
Meghan (Irish) pearl
Melanie (Greek) black
Melba (Spanish) mild
Melinda (Greek) sweet
Melissa (Greek) honey bee
Melody (Greek) song
Mercedes (Spanish) merciful
Mercy (English) compassion
Meredith (Welsh) great ruler
Merit (Egyptian) beloved
Meryl (English) shining sea
Metta (German) pearl
Mia (Scandinavian) beloved
Micah (Hebrew) who is like God
Michaela (Hebrew) who is like God
Michelle (French) who is like God
Mila (Russian) gracious
Mildred (English) gentle strength
Milena (Slavic) gracious
Milla (Scandinavian) noble
Milly (English) industrious
Mina (German) love
Mindy (English) sweet
Minerva (Latin) mind
Minnie (English) of the sea
Mira (Latin) wonderful
Mirabel (Latin) wonderful
Mirabelle (French) wonderful
Miranda (Latin) admirable
Mireille (French) to admire
Miriam (Hebrew) rebellious
Misty (English) covered with mist
Mitzi (German) star of the sea
Moira (Irish) bitter
Molly (English) star of the sea
Monica (Latin) advisor
Monique (French) advisor
Montana (Latin) mountain
Moira (Irish) bitter
Morag (Scottish) great
Morgan (Welsh) sea-born
Morgana (Welsh) sea-born
Morrigan (Irish) phantom queen
Moya (Irish) exceptional
Muriel (Irish) of the sea
Myra (Greek) myrrh
Myra (English) admirable
Myriam (Hebrew) rebellious
Myrna (Irish) beloved
Myrtle (Greek) myrtle tree
Mysti (English) mysterious
Nadia (Arabic) caller
Nadine (French) hope
Nadira (Arabic) rare
Nadyn (English) rare
Nalani (Hawaiian) the heavens
Nalina (Hawaiian) the heavens
Nan (English) gracious
Nana (Spanish) girl
Nance (English) gracious
Nanci (English) gracious
Nancy (English) gracious
Naomi (Hebrew) pleasant
Nasia (Polish) Christmas
Natalia (Latin) birthday
Natalia (Spanish) birthday
Natalie (French) birthday
Nataline (French) birthday
Natasha (Russian) birthday
Nathalie (French) birthday
Natividad (Spanish) nativity
Natosha (Russian) birthday
Nancy (Hebrew) grace
Nanna (Scandinavian) courageous
Nara (Japanese) happy
Natalie (Latin) born on Christmas day
Natalya (Russian) born on Christmas day
Nathalie (French) born on Christmas day
Natosha (English) born on Christmas day
Neala (Irish) champion
Neelie (Irish) champion
Neera (Sanskrit) water
Neoma (Greek) new moon
Nerissa (Greek) sea nymph
Nessa (Irish) fierce
Neve (Irish) snow
Nia (Swahili) purpose
Nichelle (French) who is like God
Nicole (French) victorious people
Nicola (Italian) victorious people
Nicolette (French) victorious people
Nell (English) bright, shining light
Nellie (English) bright, shining light
Nena (Spanish) girl
Neoma (Greek) new moon
Neresa (English) hunter
Nestor (Greek) traveler
Neta (Hebrew) plant
Nettie (English) bright, shining light
Netty (English) bright, shining light
Neva (Spanish) snowflake
Nevada (Spanish) snow covered
Niamh (Irish) bright
Nichol (English) victory of the people
Nichole (English) victory of the people
Nicki (English) victory of the people
Nicky (English) victory of the people
Nicolette (French) victory of the people
Nida (Arabic) call
Nilda (Spanish) battle
Nina (Spanish) girl
Noel (French) Christmas
Noelia (Spanish) Christmas
Noelle (French) Christmas
Noemi (Italian) pleasant
Nola (English) white shoulder
Nora (English) light
Norah (English) light
Noreen (Irish) light
Norene (English) light
Norma (English) precept
Novella (Italian) new
Nydia (English) nest
Nyla (English) cloud
Oceana (English) ocean
Odalys (Spanish) prosperous journey
Odessa (Russian) place of strength
Oksana (Slavic) praise
Ola (Scandinavian) ancestor's descendant
Olga (Slavic) holy
Olimpia (Spanish) from Olympus
Olwen (Welsh) footprint
Ona (English) unity
Ondine (French) little wave
Ondrea (English) strong
Opal (Sanskrit) stone
Ophelia (Greek) help
Ora (Hebrew) light
Orena (English) golden
Oriantha (Greek) beautiful flower
Oriel (English) golden
Orinda (English) beautiful
Orla (Irish) golden princess
Orra (English) light
Osborn (English) divine bear
Otelia (English) prosperous in battle
Otha (English) wealthy
Ottie (English) prosperous in battle
Ottilie (German) prosperous in battle
Ouida (English) wealthy
Ozell (English) divine strength
Paca (Spanish) peace
Padma (Sanskrit) lotus
Paisley (English) church
Paloma (Spanish) dove
Pam (English) honey
Pamela (English) honey
Pandora (Greek) all
Pandora (Greek) all gifted
Paola (Italian) small
Paris (English) city of Paris
Parthenia (Greek) maidenly
Parvati (Sanskrit) goddess
Pascale (French) Easter
Pascale (French) Easter
Pat (English) noble
Patience (English) patience
Patricia (English) noble
Patsy (English) noble
Patti (English) noble
Patty (English) noble
Paula (English) small
Paulina (English) small
Paulina (Latin) small
Pauline (English) small
Pearl (English) pearl
Pearle (English) pearl
Peg (English) pearl
Peggy (English) pearl
Penelope (Greek) weaver
Penelope (Greek) weaver
Peneloppe (Greek) weaver
Penny (English) enclosure
Perdita (Latin) lost
Peta (English) rock
Petra (Greek) rock
Petrina (English) rock
Petronella (Latin) rock
Philippa (English) lover of horses
Philis (English) lover of horses
Philomena (Greek) lover of strength
Phoebe (Greek) bright, radiant
Phyllis (English) green leaf
Phynette (English) free
Pilar (Spanish) pillar
Piper (English) one who plays the pipes
Polly (English) honey
Portia (English) gate
Priscilla (English) ancient
Prudence (English) caution
Purita (English) pure
Queenie (English) queenly
Queta (Spanish) home ruler
Quinta (Spanish) fifth
Quynh (Vietnamese) precious, valuable
Rachael (English) ewe
Rachel (English) ewe
Racquel (English) ewe
Radmila (Slavic) worker for peace
Rae (English) wise, intelligent
Rafaela (Spanish) God heals
Raina (English) queenly
Raisa (Russian) lioness
Ramona (Spanish) wise protector
Randa (Arabic) fragrant tree
Ranee (English) queenly
Rania (Arabic) queenly
Raphaela (Spanish) God heals
Ravenna (Italian) raven
Rayna (English) song of the Lord
Rea (English) flowing, river
Reba (English) fourth born
Rebecca (English) binding, tie
Reina (Spanish) queenly
Rena (English) reborn, renewed
Rene (English) reborn, renewed
Renee (English) reborn, renewed
Resa (English) to harvest
Reta (English) net, snare
Retha (English) net, snare
Retta (English) net, snare
Rheta (English) to flow
Rhoda (English) rose
Rhonda (English) good spear
Rita (Spanish) pearl
Riva (Italian) shore, riverbank
Roberta (English) bright fame
Robin (English) bright fame
Robyn (English) bright fame
Rochelle (French) rest, repose
Rodica (Russian) famous ruler
Roena (English) famous, renowned
Roisin (Irish) little rose
Roma (Italian) from Rome
Romana (Spanish) from Rome
Romelia (Spanish) from Rome
Romy (English) from Rome
Rona (English) strong, courageous
Ronda (English) strong, courageous
Roni (English) strong, courageous
Ronna (English) strong, courageous
Ronnie (English) strong, courageous
Rosa (Spanish) rose
Rosalia (Spanish) rose, flower
Rosalie (French) rose, flower
Rosalind (English) beautiful rose
Rosalyn (English) beautiful rose
Rosamond (English) famous rose
Rosanna (English) gracious rose
Rosanne (English) gracious rose
Rose (English) rose
Roseann (English) gracious rose
Roseanne (English) gracious rose
Roselia (English) rose, flower
Roseline (English) beautiful rose
Rosella (English) beautiful rose
Rosetta (English) little rose
Rosette (English) little rose
Rosi (English) rose
Rosie (English) rose
Rosina (English) rose
Rosita (Spanish) little rose
Roslyn (English) beautiful rose
Roslynn (English) beautiful rose
Rowan (English) little red one
Rowena (English) famous woman
Roxana (English) dawn
Roxane (English) dawn
Roxanne (English) dawn
Roxie (English) dawn
Roxine (English) dawn
Roxy (English) dawn
Rubie (English) precious stone
Ruby (English) precious stone
Rudina (English) famous, renowned
Ruth (English) compassionate friend
Ruthann (English) compassionate friend
Ruthanne (English) compassionate friend
Ryan (English) little king
Ryann (English) little king
Rylee (English) strong, courageous
Ryley (English) strong, courageous
Rylie (English) strong, courageous
Sabrina (English) legendary princess
Sada (Japanese) chaste, pure
Sadie (English) ladylike, refined
Safira (Spanish) sapphire
Sage (English) wise, discerning
Sahara (Arabic) desert
Saige (English) wise, discerning
Sally (English) princess, noblewoman
Salome (Hebrew) peaceful, tranquil
Salvina (Latin) safe, rescued
Samantha (English) listener, wise
Samara (Arabic) night conversation
Samatha (English) listener, wise
Sandra (English) defender, protector
Sandy (English) defender, protector
Sanford (English) triumphant peace
Sania (Arabic) bright, radiant
Santa (Spanish) saintly, holy
Santana (Spanish) saintly, holy
Sapphire (English) blue gemstone
Sara (Hebrew) lady, princess
Sarah (Hebrew) lady, princess
Sarai (Hebrew) my princess
Sarala (Sanskrit) beautiful, charming
Saralyn (English) beautiful, charming
Saranda (Albanian) forty, abundance
Sarita (Spanish) little princess
Sarolta (Hungarian) beautiful, charming
Sasha (Russian) defender, protector
Saskia (Dutch) wise, discerning
Satin (English) smooth, luxurious
Saundra (English) defender, protector
Savanna (English) grassland, plain
Savannah (English) grassland, plain
Sawyer (English) woodcutter, lumberjack
Saxa (Latin) rock, stone
Saxony (English) land of the Saxons
Scarlett (English) red, scarlet
Schuyler (Dutch) scholar, learned one
Scott (English) from Scotland
Scotti (English) from Scotland
Scottie (English) from Scotland
Seana (Irish) old, wise
Sebastian (Latin) venerable, respected
Seema (Hindi) limit, boundary
Selena (Greek) moon
Selene (Greek) moon
Selenea (Greek) moon
Selenna (Greek) moon
Selina (Greek) moon
Selma (Germanic) helmet of protection
Semiramis (Assyrian) peaceful, serene
Senda (Japanese) mountain path
Seneca (Latin) old, wise
Senga (Japanese) bright, clear
Seren (Welsh) star
Serena (Latin) serene, peaceful
Serene (English) peaceful, calm
Serinity (English) peaceful, calm
Setsuko (Japanese) melody, poem
Shana (Hebrew) God is gracious
Shanda (English) beautiful, lovely
Shane (English) God is gracious
Shani (Hebrew) God is gracious
Shanna (English) God is gracious
Shannon (Irish) old, wise
Shara (Arabic) princess, noblewoman
Sharla (English) free man, noblewoman
Sharon (Hebrew) fertile plain
Sharron (English) fertile plain
Shasta (English) mountain peak
Shauna (English) God is gracious
Shawna (English) God is gracious
Shay (English) wise, discerning
Shea (English) wise, discerning
Sheela (Sanskrit) prosperous, happy
Sheila (English) prosperous, happy
Shelby (English) valley, meadow
Sheldon (English) valley, meadow
Shelia (English) prosperous, happy
Shelley (English) clearing, meadow
Sheri (English) darling, beloved
Sherida (English) poetry, song
Sherilyn (English) poetry, song
Sherita (English) poetry, song
Sherri (English) darling, beloved
Sherrie (English) darling, beloved
Sherwood (English) bright, clear forest
Shery (English) darling, beloved
Sheryl (English) darling, beloved
Shiela (English) prosperous, happy
Shirin (Persian) sweet, charming
Shirlee (English) bright, clear meadow
Shirley (English) bright, clear meadow
Shona (Scottish) God is gracious
Shoshana (Hebrew) rose, lily
Shyla (English) from the fairy palace
Sibyl (Greek) prophetess, seer
Sidney (English) wide meadow
Sierra (Spanish) mountain range
Signe (Scandinavian) new victory
Silvana (Latin) forest, woods
Silvia (Latin) forest, woods
Sima (Hebrew) heard, listened
Simone (French) heard, listened
Sinda (English) beautiful, lovely
Sinead (Irish) God is gracious
Siobhan (Irish) God is gracious
Siofra (Irish) elf, fairy
Sissy (English) blind, sightless
Skye (English) scholar, learned one
Sloan (English) warrior, fighter
Sofia (Spanish) wisdom, intelligent
Solana (Spanish) sun, bright
Solange (French) angel, messenger
Sondra (English) defender, protector
Sonia (Spanish) wisdom, intelligent
Sonya (Russian) wisdom, intelligent
Sophia (Greek) wisdom, intelligent
Sophie (French) wisdom, intelligent
Soraya (Persian) princess, noblewoman
Stacey (English) resurrection, revival
Stacy (English) resurrection, revival
Starla (English) star, celestial body
Stefani (English) crown, garland
Stefanie (English) crown, garland
Stella (Latin) star, celestial body
Stephaine (English) crown, garland
Stephanie (English) crown, garland
Stephanine (English) crown, garland
Stephany (English) crown, garland
Stephanye (English) crown, garland
Stephenie (English) crown, garland
Stephine (English) crown, garland
Stephney (English) crown, garland
Stevey (English) crown, garland
Stevie (English) crown, garland
Stina (Scandinavian) stone, rock
Stormy (English) tempest, turbulent
Sue (English) lily, rose
Suellen (English) lily, rose
Suzy (English) lily, rose
Swati (Sanskrit) star, celestial body
Sylvia (Latin) forest, woods
Sylvie (French) forest, woods
Tabatha (Aramaic) gazelle, deer
Tabitha (Aramaic) gazelle, deer
Tacy (English) from the silent town
Tadita (English) from the silent town
Tahnee (English) follower of the fairy queen
Tai (Vietnamese) talent, skill
Taisa (Russian) from the silent town
Takako (Japanese) noble, honorable
Talitha (Aramaic) young girl, maiden
Tam (Vietnamese) heart, mind
Tama (Japanese) people, nation
Tamara (Russian) bitter, salty
Tami (English) twin, double
Tamika (English) people, nation
Tammy (English) twin, double
Tamra (English) bitter, salty
Tan (Vietnamese) new, fresh
Tana (English) from the valley
Tanja (Russian) from the valley
Tanya (Russian) from the valley
Tara (Sanskrit) star, celestial body
Tarah (English) star, celestial body
Taren (English) rock, stone
Tari (English) rock, stone
Tarina (English) rock, stone
Taryn (English) rock, stone
Tasha (Russian) from the valley
Tasia (English) from the valley
Tatiana (Russian) from the valley
Tatianna (English) from the valley
Tatum (English) bringer of joy
Tawna (English) from the valley
Tawnya (English) from the valley
Taylor (English) tailor, seamstress
Teddi (English) divine gift, beloved
Teddy (English) divine gift, beloved
Teresa (Spanish) harvester, reaper
Terese (French) harvester, reaper
Teri (English) harvester, reaper
Teriann (English) harvester, reaper
Terri (English) harvester, reaper
Terrie (English) harvester, reaper
Terry (English) harvester, reaper
Tess (English) harvester, reaper
Tessa (English) harvester, reaper
Thalia (Greek) blooming, blossoming
Thelma (Greek) will, determination
Theodora (Greek) gift of God
Theresa (Spanish) harvester, reaper
Therese (French) harvester, reaper
Theressa (English) harvester, reaper
Thora (Norse) thunder, strength
Tia (Spanish) aunt, respected one
Tiana (English) fairy queen, princess
Tiara (English) crown, jewel
Tierney (English) lord, master
Tiffani (English) manifestation of God
Tiffanie (English) manifestation of God
Tiffany (English) manifestation of God
Tijuana (Spanish) from the city of Tijuana
Tilda (English) mighty, powerful
Tillie (English) mighty, powerful
Tilly (English) mighty, powerful
Tina (Spanish) river, stream
Tinette (French) river, stream
Tish (English) God is just
Tisha (English) God is just
Tita (Spanish) title of respect
Toiya (English) bringer of joy
Tola (Spanish) from the valley
Tonda (English) thunder, strength
Tonette (French) thunder, strength
Tonia (English) from the valley
Tonja (English) from the valley
Tony (English) praiseworthy, valuable
Tonya (English) praiseworthy, valuable
Tora (Norse) thunder, strength
Torri (English) rock, stone
Tosha (English) from the city of Tosh
Tova (Hebrew) good, pure
Tracee (English) brave, fearless
Tracey (English) brave, fearless
Traci (English) brave, fearless
Tracie (English) brave, fearless
Tracy (English) brave, fearless
Treasa (English) strength, courage
Trena (English) strength, courage
Trenta (English) strength, courage
Tresa (English) strength, courage
Tricia (English) noble, aristocratic
Trina (English) pure, innocent
Trinda (English) pure, innocent
Trini (English) pure, innocent
Trinity (English) triad, threefold
Trixi (English) bringer of joy
Trudy (English) beloved, dear
Twila (English) twilight, dawn
Twyla (English) twilight, dawn
Tyesha (English) follower of God
Tynisha (English) follower of God
Tyra (Norse) God of war
Tyrone (English) from the land of the Tyrrhenians
Ulanda (English) noble, aristocratic
Ulanda (German) noble land
Ulla (Scandinavian) willpower
Ulrica (English) noble, aristocratic
Ulrica (German) power of the wolf
Ulrike (German) power of the wolf
Ulrike (German) noble, aristocratic
Uma (Sanskrit) tranquility
Umika (Japanese) plum blossom
Una (Latin) unity
Una (Latin) one, unity
Unique (English) one of a kind
Unita (Latin) unity
Unity (English) oneness
Unity (English) oneness, harmony
Ursula (Latin) little bear
Urszula (Polish) little bear
Usha (Sanskrit) dawn, sunrise
Ute (German) prosperous, wealthy
Vada (English) ruler, leader
Val (English) valiant, strong
Vala (Sanskrit) ruler
Valda (English) ruler, leader
Valencia (Spanish) brave, strong
Valentina (Latin) strong
Valerie (French) valiant, strong
Valery (English) valiant, strong
Valli (English) ruler, leader
Valorie (English) valiant, strong
Vanda (Slavic) wanderer
Vanessa (Greek) butterfly, beauty
Vanna (English) God is gracious
Varda (Hebrew) rose
Vasiliki (Greek) royal
Veda (Sanskrit) knowledge, wisdom
Vega (Arabic) falling star
Velda (German) ruler of the valley
Velia (English) happy, joyful
Vena (English) hunt, pursue
Venessa (English) butterfly, beauty
Vera (Russian) faith, trust
Verda (English) green, flourishing
Verena (German) true, genuine
Verla (English) true, genuine
Verlie (English) true, genuine
Verne (English) alder tree, wise
Veronica (Latin) true image, genuine
Vesta (Latin) goddess of the hearth
Veta (English) hunt, pursue
Vetta (English) hunt, pursue
Vicki (English) victory, conqueror
Vickie (English) victory, conqueror
Vicky (English) victory, conqueror
Victoria (Latin) victory, conqueror
Victorine (French) victory, conqueror
Vida (Spanish) life, vitality
Vikki (English) victory, conqueror
Vilma (German) resolute, determined
Vina (English) vine, wine
Vincentia (Latin) conquering, victorious
Violet (English) purple flower, modesty
Violette (French) purple flower, modesty
Virgie (English) maiden, virgin
Virgina (English) maiden, virgin
Virginia (English) maiden, virgin
Vita (Latin) life, vitality
Vivian (English) full of life, lively
Vivianne (French) full of life, lively
Vivien (English) full of life, lively
Vivyan (English) full of life, lively
Vonnie (English) hope, aspiration
Vynessa (English) butterfly, beauty
Vynette (English) vine
Vynka (English) vine
Wanda (German) wanderer, traveler
Waneta (English) chase, pursue
Wanona (English) chase, pursue
Wava (English) wave, ocean
Waverly (English) meadow of quivering aspen
Wendy (English) friend, beloved
Wenona (English) first born daughter
Wera (Russian) faith, trust
Whitney (English) white island, fair
Wilhelmina (German) resolute protector
Willene (English) resolute protector
Willie (English) resolute protector
Willow (English) willow tree
Willys (English) resolute protector
Wilma (German) resolute protector
Wilmette (English) resolute protector
Winifred (Welsh) blessed reconciliation
Winnie (English) friend of peace
Winnifred (Welsh) blessed reconciliation
Winnipeg (English) muddy waters
Winona (English) first born daughter
Winston (English) conqueror's town
Winter (English) season of cold
Wynell (English) fair, white
Wynona (English) first born daughter
Xanthe (Greek) yellow, blonde
Xena (Greek) hospitality
Xenia (Greek) hospitality, welcome
Xochitl (Aztec) flower, beauty
Yara (Arabic) companion, friend
Yasmin (Arabic) jasmine flower, fragrance
Yasmin (Persian) jasmine flower
Yasmine (Arabic) jasmine flower, fragrance
Yolanda (Greek) violet flower, modesty
Yolande (French) violet flower, modesty
Yoshi (Japanese) good, virtuous
Yoshiko (Japanese) good, virtuous child
Yumi (Japanese) archery bow, beauty
Yvette (French) yew tree, archer
Yvonne (French) yew tree, archer
Zada (Arabic) prosperous, fortunate
Zahra (Arabic) blooming flower, beauty
Zayda (Arabic) prosperous, fortunate
Zelda (German) gray fighting maid
Zelia (English) zealous, enthusiastic
Zella (English) zealous, enthusiastic
Zena (English) hospitable, welcoming
Zenia (English) hospitable, welcoming
Zeta (Greek) seeker, hunter
Zilla (English) shadow, protection
Zita (Spanish) seeker, hunter
Zoe (Greek) life, vitality
Zola (Italian) ball, sphere
Zona (English) area, region
Zondra (English) defender of the people
Zora (Slavic) dawn, sunrise
Zoria (English) dawn, sunrise
Zosia (Polish) wisdom, intelligent
Zudora (English) gift of God
Zula (English) peace, tranquility
Zuri (Swahili) beautiful, lovely


Choosing a dog name with meaning can be a fun and rewarding experience. Our comprehensive name list lets you discover the perfect name that reflects your dog’s personality, appearance, and spirit.  Whether you opt for a name inspired by nature or love, the correct name can enhance your bond and provide a unique identity for your dog. Your dog’s name always reflects the bonding, so take your time and find a name that genuinely reflects your relationship with your loyal friend.


What is a powerful dog name?

Powerful dog names suggest strength, courage, and resilience.
• Max (Latin) – Meaning “greatest”
• Zeus (Greek) – Meaning “king of the gods”
• Rocky (English) – Meaning “strong, sturdy”
• Atlas (Greek) – Meaning “holder of the heavens”
• Thor (Norse) – Meaning “god of thunder”

What is a rich dog name?

Rich dog names convey luxury, elegance, and sophistication.
• Baron (English) – Meaning “nobleman”
• Duke (English) – Meaning “noble title”
• Ruby (Sanskrit) – Meaning “precious stone”
• Onyx (Greek) – Meaning “luxurious gemstone”
• Bentley (English) – Meaning “meadow of bent grass”

What are some dog names with meaning of love?

Dog names that represent love express affection.
• Amore (Italian) – Meaning “love”
• Ahava (Hebrew) – Meaning “love”
• Cara (Italian) – Meaning “beloved”
• Hubert (German) – Meaning “bright heart”
• Luna (Latin) – Meaning “moon”, symbolizing eternal love
• Myma (Irish) – Meaning ” beloved”
• Agape (Greek) – Meaning “unconditional love”
• Vida (Scottish) – Meaning ” beloved”
• Corazon (Spanish) – Meaning “heart”
• Cherish (English) – Meaning “to hold dear”

What is a lucky name for a dog?

Lucky dog names bring good fortune and positivity.
• Felix (Latin) – Meaning “happy, lucky”
• Clover (English) – Meaning “four-leafed good luck charm”
• Lucky (English) – Meaning “fortunate, auspicious”
• Chance (English) – Meaning “opportunity, good fortune”
• Jasper (Persian) – Meaning “treasurer, good luck”

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